Brains come before everything

Everything we do, everything we are, is the result of decisions we make. Parenting, school, friendships, training, industry, all of it, has one thing in common: the wish to foster a good mind. Without it, everything else is at risk.

Have all 6 of our courses here, and dip into them as you want, when you want. These tools are comprehensive service pack for the motivated, curious mind trying to forge a life of excellence. Modern life is a complex business. You know that and you want to learn how to master it where it matters. Explore the limits of your ability, showing yourself for what makes you stand tall rather than falling short.

Managing our emotions. Managing other peoples' expectations of us. Ascending the ladders we want to ascend. Influencing the people we meet for the better, for them and us. Clarifying our purposes and roles in life. Being better partners, friends, and colleagues.

These tools are modular, bit-size, and easy to digest and practice. They should start showing results and insights straight away, in the areas for which they are intended.

A misture of reparative, restorative, educational and optimisation tools. From beating stress at work and at home to forging amazing working relationships, it's all here, codified and set up for the taking. Subscribe today and save more than 60% off the full price for the courses individually.


The Peaceful Places course alone is validated and proven to be as good as seeing a counsellor for 1:1 sessions, for issues like stress and anxiety from any cause. It is worth the price of admission just for this.


The Knowing and Leading Certificate course is more than 40 modules of evidence-based animations, quizzes and other mixed media, designed to teach, practice and realise great leadership skills.


Life at home must not be left to chance. Family comes first, but we all become so focused on work that family ends up losing out. Never again. Refine your close relationships with the amazing tips and techniques from the Adam and Eve course.

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6 courses

What your membership buys you:

Peace of mind and a suite of tools to improve it.

Full time, anyday access to all 6 of our courses. cThat's more than 200 different modules of content, all designed and created by professionals in mental health and presented in easily-learned formats:

  • SABR: Addictively Good Habits
  • Peaceful Places: 45 ways to beat stress and anxiety
  • Executive Presence: The attitudes and behaviours of polished people
  • Knowing and Leading Certificate in Leadership and soft skills
  • Toolkits for an exceptional Life- a deep dive into the theory and practice of psychology for performance, giving you the inside track
  • Adam and Eve- Skills for a Happy relationship