ASSIGNMENT: Romance, Companionship and Commitment

Assignment: Romance, Companionship and Commitment

Time to get your notebook and pen, or indeed to fire up your word processor if you find it easier to write notes there.

Look at the lesson with this same title, and think about these questions.

Throughout this course, the aim is not to write perfect model answers, but to exercise your mind and reflect on these important matters in a light but serious way. Jot down your answers one time in note form, then perhaps come back and refine them next time round.

These questions are not to help your 'knowledge' as such, but they are more to help your 'way of being'. The more you come back and ponder them afresh in future, the more they will transfer into your actual conduct- your character' in your relationships.

Imperfections and Vulnerabilities

  • Write a few lines highlighting your partner's strengths. If you're single, think about someone real in your life whom you are attracted to, who you know quite well.
  • Now do the same for some of their vulnerabilities- where do you feel they are prone to pain and hurt?
  • Third, write a few lines about their imperfections and faults.
  • Finally, write down three aspects that you may have overlooked or failed to appreciate in the past due to idealisation or romantic expectations. Consider how understanding and accepting these aspects can strengthen your love and companionship.

Questions to also answer:

  • Did romantic love blind you to your partner's imperfections and vulnerabilities? If so, how?
  • How can acknowledging and accepting your partner's imperfections deepen your bond?
  • What steps can you take to show empathy and support for your partner's journey in life?

Mutual Cooperation and Compromise

Reflect on the importance of cooperation and compromise in your relationship. Write down three specific situations or decisions where cooperation and compromise are necessary for your shared future. Consider how you can engage your intellect and heart to make informed judgments that benefit both of you.

Questions to also answer:

  • How can intellectual capacities contribute to making proper judgments and decisions together?
  • What are some challenges you face in dividing duties and cooperating effectively as a couple?
  • How can you foster a coherent and united approach to face the world as a team?

Unconditional Love and Forgiveness

  • Contemplate the concept of unconditional love and forgiveness in your relationship. Write down three instances where you can practice forgiveness and show mercy to your partner. Consider how forgiving their faults and nurturing their growth can deepen your bond.

Questions to also ponder:

  • How does unconditional love and forgiveness contribute to a more generous and loving relationship?
  • What are some personal strengths you can leverage to forgive your partner's faults and mistakes?
  • How can you create an environment of mutual attachment and the exchange of favours in your relationship?

Exchange your notes with your partner if you are each doing the course, and/or take them to your counsellor for your next session. 

Complete and Continue